The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hoo hah!

I just always wanted to say that...

Yes, anyway... the story continues. I don't know why today's episode insisted on being so difficult to write, but it was. Turns out I've lost my old storyboards, so I'm pretty much winging it. If it sucks, sorry. But hey, you get sprites and a crayon truck. What, you want it to be funny, too? Sheesh.

Some of this storyline is pretty darn close to real life events. Other parts are utter bull that just make for a better story. I'd tell you which is which as we go along, but I think it's more fun to keep you guessing.

On to the strange coincidence story of the week, the day the first strip of this story went up, another misguided friend tried to set me up -.and gave this random dude my number. Without asking me first. And let's just say I'm kind of insulted by what this unnamed "friend" thinks my taste in guys is like. I may just have to beat him silly with a carp... or is this more of a mackerel situation? Maybe walleye? Or maybe just a good, swift kick in the head. Either way.

Enough personal bitching. I'll be back Friday night/Saturday morning with a new episode, and, hopefully, a brand new job. The Cammi, over and out.


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