The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Friday, May 19, 2006


Well, I guess I just have the internet. But that's kind of like power. Particularly when one uses it for evil. (Do any of y'all even recognize that title quote? Dear god, I hope so, or I'm going to feel bloody old. And moderately geeky. But I can deal with that.)

Yup, the modem finally came, so the Cammi never has to leave her apartment again. Bwee hee... shiny, extra fast internet... It was almost worth the extra wait.

Anyway, here's a comic. I have one more extra made up, but I'm still not quite sure if I like it. But it involves a celebrity in pain - a particularly irritating one. If I decide to use it, that'll be up Sunday. If not... well, I'm lazy, so we may resume our regular schedule.

In other news, fixed some of the bugs in the last bit of tweaking I did, and did minor updates on the Info and Links pages.

Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.


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