The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Yup, the Cammi gots herself a cat. But should my landlord ask, he's an elaborate animatronic puppet. Actually, the same response goes for any city officials. Yeah, I'm going to pay to licence an indoor cat. I spit at your bylaws! Ha-ha! Oh crap... it's illegal to spit in public here too, isn't it? I give up. Being a law-abiding citizen is too fuggin' hard.

Back to stuff you care about, today's comic is only half filler. I was running out of inspiration trying to fill this week's comic quota, but I also wanted an excuse to hand-draw the gang for a change.

Speaking of lack of inspiration, I think it's just about time for another storyline. I've had an old version of the one I have in mind kicking around for awhile, but I think it could lead to much hilarity with a little tweaking. And a lot of reworking of the minor characters, who were poorly drawn to begin with and are now smudged almost beyond recognition. If I get off my lazy ass and do that, I'll start the story next week.

Blargh. Brain melted into goo. No can form coherent sentences... good. Sleep or coffee calls.


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