The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well kiddies, it's official: the Cammi is now properly the Cammi, B.A. Hon. Woot. I'm finally collecting a string of letters behind my name.

The best part of the long and generally boring ordeal was by far the variety of "academic costume". See, we apparently don't believe in mortar boards here (or in Brodie-ese, "smart-man hats"). Oh no. We get nifty little medieval-lookin' hoods. Granted, you don't actually put the hood up, but if you do, the overall effect is very grim reaper-esque. But that's not even the best part. The committee of assorted scholars and high-ranking university officials onstage were all in full costume too. Robes, capes, and crazy hats galore. It's like a Ren-faire exploded in downtown Saskatoon. The Cammi very nearly ruined the solemn dignity of it all by laughing her arse off. And it didn't help that the music they paraded out to sounded vaguely like superhero music.

This is why I don't like things like this. I'm always tempted to ruin everything by displaying a sense of humor.

Anyway, that's my story for the day. Got up reeeeeal early (after 2 fugging hours of sleep), got my bit of paper that says I apparently know something about literature, and now I'm ready for bed. I nearly cheesed out of an update tonight, but I mustered what little coherent thought I could and pulled something together. Mostly because I fear Tasha and a barrage of minnows if I skip any more updates.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go have a nervous breakdown over the inescapable reality of entering the real world.


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