The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Friday, June 16, 2006

dun dun duunnnnnnn....

I'll probably wrap up this storyline by Thursday at the latest. What crazy stunt has Cam got up her sleeve to get out of the mess she created? I know, but I ain't tellin'.

I've got no other news. None. If I survive tomorrow's shift, I might have news then. I shudder to think of the hordes of blue haired old ladies that will no doubt be swamping me with demands for pie and coffee. And telling me inane stories about the price of coffee in 1967.

... I think I'm going to go leap off a bridge now. And there are 3 within walking distance. How handy. Gotta love this city.

Oh, does anyone want a kitty? He totally doesn't bite toes or destroy everything in sight. Honest. Would I lie?

Don't answer that.


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