The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm sorry.

The Cammi is stressed. Between major assignments for school, a mysterious inability to sleep for more than maybe 5 hours at a time, running around in a panic trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I graduate in April, and assorted other nonsense, I'm about ready for a nervous breakdown. I've taken a look at the last week or so of comics, and realized how much the stress is starting to affect the quality there.

Long story short, I've decided to take a short break. Probably only for a week or so. I hate to do it, but I also realize that anything I attempt is going to look like crap or otherwise lack that certain AoU spark. I need to recharge.

If I can, I'll scrounge up some guest stuff from generous folk so that there's at least something new for y'all to look at. More importantly, I may actually be back early next week if a night or two of good sleep makes me feel human again. I know I've been kind of crapping out on you guys lately, and I'm sorry for it. I know, I suck.


  • At 11:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the joys of stress
    i'm feelin it and i'm just in high school
    so, i imagine u probably don't suck
    and i'm quite liking the science guy
    just in case anyone's curious
    the sky is blue because ozone particles are blue
    so there's ur answer to the age old question
    stupid science answering all the good thinker questions
    love ur site, the cammi
    from me: tash's sister's friend,

  • At 5:09 PM , Blogger the Cammi said...

    Praise! *glee*

    Ah-ha! Kiandra! Tash has mentioned you, come to think of it. And I'm glad we've got someone to answer the questions Dr. B dodges. :D


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