The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Sorry guys. I think too much sketching in art class today and a lack of sleep have combined to deprive me of any sort of drawing ability tonight. That crappiness you see above is actually the best thing I've cranked out all night. And I'm tired and lazy, so that's the best you'll get for now.

Gotta do a late Christmas party with friends tomorrow night (well, technically tonight, looking at the time), but I should be able to get a halfway decent comic done. I still have to fix the vault and characters pages. Sigh.

I'm going to fall asleep on my keyboard, so I'm outta here. Keep your fingers crossed for proper updates this weekend. Anyone know how to make obediant clones of oneself? Preferably with the lazy gene removed? I'll pay a fortune of cookies if someone does. Good cookies. Honest.


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