The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Monday, January 23, 2006

Fingers crossed.

H'okay. The last few times I uploaded and wrote the rant early, there seem to have been problems in the state of Comic Genesis. Here's hoping that tonight, that'll change. Because I wants to go to bed before 5 am, durn it! (That's the time I generally say "Oh, screw this!" and give up). I stopped being obsessive about making sure the updates go through the night they're supposed to, so of course the gods must torment me by making them misbehave.

As you probably noticed, today's comic features a cameo by Brady. Now perhaps she won't threaten to beat me with a sock full of nickels for a) still taking my sweet ass time uploading her fan art, and b) forgetting I promised her a cameo in the nesxt filler comic, for something like 2 fillers. Heh... ooops. We never said the Cammi has a good memory. Hell, it's pretty amazing I remember I have a fuggin' comic half the time!

In other news, the Goodies page is now up and running. That's where the wallpapers went. I was going to wait until I had more to put up there, but the characters are being boogers about not looking right. Damn me for wanting a spiffy new style. Which also explains the lack of updated character page. I may give in and fix the existing one while the other is under constusction.

The Vault is also being a booger. I thought I could have it up tonight, but... let's just say both Windows and Java hate me. With Windows, at least, the feeling's mutual.

I was going to make a smartass comment or two regarding the election, but this is getting long. And no one cares what I think about Canadian politics anyway. You're here for comics, not political commentary. Shut up, Cammi. ...and now I'm talking to myself. Great.


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