The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Friday, January 13, 2006

Women's Studies... bleh.

And now we all know what had Cam speaking in tongues the other days. And I'm afraid you have to imagine the background today.

On a related note, can we guess what my most favoritest class ever is? That's right! Women's Studies! Yay! *blarf* Ew... a lung. I can't believe some of the tripe they're trying to pass off as fact in some of these classes. Okay, Cammi, deep breath... you haven't had to endure them for nearly a year now... I tell you, when I took that women's studies class last year, I would have liked nothing better than to beat the prof mercilessly with a clipboard. Cam apparently has less self restraint than the real me. Funny, that.

I'd go on the usual rant about uber-feminism and the like, but I'm sure you don't want to hear it. Those who do can contact me later and get a personalized rant, (C) and TM the Cammi.

Now watch me get a pile of hate mail.


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