The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I've got sand in my underpants

But that's pretty much unavoidable at the lake. Although since I've been home for a few hours, I guess it wouldn't kill me to change. (Is she kidding, or serious? That, my friends, is a mystery.) I had a lot of fun. I caught a fishy. So did Brodie and Dad. But I got a walleye. They just got smelly old jackfish. Hey, mine was the smallest, I have to revel in what glory I can.

But as the rest of my personal news is mostly involving my wonder at how freakin' big my little cousins are getting and more lake-type antics, I'll stop before I bore you all to death. Time for comic news.

Still waiting on approval for the last shirt design. I was hoping it would be ready by the time I got back. Nuts. Patience, young grasshoppers, it'll be up soon.

Er... Actually, that's my last bit of news. I've averaged about 5 hours of sleep a night all week, and it's fuggin' hot in the old apartment, so the Cammi is off to sit on the balcony a bit and then I'm off to curl up in my comfy, comfy bed. Adios!


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