The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

No pirates here!

I told someone there would be pirates in today's strip. I lied. I just couldn't get him to look right. So, Banana, don't kick me, huh? You wouldn't want a goofy-lookin pirate would you? I didn't think so. And now I've given away my top secret new minor character. Crud. Oh well. There are two others in the works. No comment on those ones yet.
Hmm... what else is new? Thinking of taking out the Shoutbox. Brodie's suggested a forum. Anyone interested? I'd hate for it to be just me and him talking to each other there. And since he doesn't ever post here, I suspect it'd just be me talking to myself.

Other than a minor foray into the art of spriting, I've not got much else to add today. Other than apparently there's been a demand for a new furry character. I'll try... but I suck at animals. This is why I shouldn't take suggestions. :) Best to get to sketching. But if it takes me all night, she's sooo not getting a cookie.

Why do I get this strange suspicion that eventually the minor cast will be composed entirely of furries, and I'll do the whole thing in sprites? And why are minor projects occupying more of my time than the actual comics as of late? (wait for it....) It's a mystery!


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