The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


That was a bit of a scramble. But I've got Tuesday's and Thrusday's comics up before I bugger off. And the store's working. You know you want a shirt. As of the last time I checked, there're Brodie, Scott, and Cam shirts in a variety of styles and colors up and ready. Within a day or two, shirts, bunnyhugs (they're not hoodies, damn it) and bears (yes, bears!) with a big ol AoU above the mysteriously floating heads of our heroes should be up. There was a problem with the original design. As I fixed it earlier today, I'm just hoping it gets approved and up by Wednesday or Thursday. Just click the handy, handy store link at the top of the page... and remember the prices are in American speak.

Now, The Cammi still has to pack. Then I am so outta here for a day or three.



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