The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Monday, November 13, 2006

Heh heh...

DIdn't think I'd just drop that, did you? Of course not! We're digging Cam even deeper into this hole! And honestly, anyone who knows me in real life pretty much had to see this coming. I'm sure giving one of the main characters a love interest is going to backfire atrociously on me somehow, but I hated leaving the end of that storyline hanging. And really, I think it's neat to have Cam not resort to violence for once.

Okay, I've got no real news whatsoever, at least not that I want to talk about. It's been a terribly long week, and I'll thank the powers that be to just leave me the hell alone this week. No more nasty surprises, okay? Thanks. Actually, while we're at it, how about laying off on the fugging snow already? Arrrgh. Saskatchewan.

Anyway, I'll be back next week with the usual parade of nonsense. Adios, kiddies!


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