The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Monday, September 25, 2006

What in the hell am I doing?

Okay, hands up everyone who's not sure how I'm going to dig myself out of this storyline now. Take comfort, my hand's up there, too. Will our pirate friend meet some horrible fate? Will she simply disappear and never be mentioned again? Or will I resort to some cheesy and utterly nonsensical ploy? My money's on the last one, but feel free to place your bets wherever. I may also just call this storyline finished and let the pirate girl stuff work itself out at a later date. Maybe I'll let the forum folk decide for me!

In case you're wondering, since I mentioned the real-life "Carol" is guilty of numerous attempts at setting me up, I did very strongly consider bringing a friend (none other than AoU's official fan girl Brady, in case you really want to know) along to a party and introducing her as my lover to be rid of said attempts. Sadly, Brady was still out of town, and to be totally honest, I ended up thinking better of it... for various reasons, which I'll not go into here. We haven't got all night. Suffice to say today's comic was indeed inspired by real-life events.

I don't think I've got nothing else to say that isn't whining about my job, and y'all have heard enough of that.Oh yeah! I'm slowly working on new T-shirt designs (including revamped character shirts), which I hope will be up in a few weeks. I'll let you know more as the release gets closer, but I'll start begging you to save money now so you can show your support for AoU and help contribute to the "Make sure the Cammi doesn't starve while she looks for a less sucktacular job" fund. To that effect, if there's something you really want to see on a shirt, get yer butt to the forum and let me know.

Vaya con nachos, amigos!


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