The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Monday, October 30, 2006


Well, it's that time of year again... by which I mean that time of year I have to not only think of a costume for my real life self, but also for my fugging characters. I'll be honest with you, this year's "special" was kind of cobbled together at the last second. It's really not the grand scheme I had planned. However, since I knew that hand drawing costumes would be far easier than trying to throw them together in Illustrator, and then realized, at like 7 pm, that my inking pens are all missing. D'oh! I think one might be in my locker at the library. At any rate, I realized that my only choice was to ink with a sharpie, and draw on a large scale, hoping it wouldn't suck too hard. Larger scale + tiny scanner = less characters I can cram on a page. So I gave up, and just did the trio.

Incidently, I've been waiting to put Brodie in that Japanese schoolgirl outfit for ages. It's disturbing, but I still think it's frickin' hilarious. Which probably means I'm disturbed. Meh.

Last thing, a quick thanks to the four folks who've been driving in most of our outside hits this month: Tasha, Brady, Jo Fuzzle (of On Hiatus) and, of course, our faithful shameless promotions expert, Amber. Cookies for all! And a bonus muffin for Amber. Thanks, ladies!

Tah, loves!


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