The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Friday, July 14, 2006


That's the sound you would have heard around noon today, if you lived in my head. I'm not quite sure if that was my sanity, my patience, or my will to freakin' live collapsing. Possibly a combination thereof. I'm not sure it matters.

What matters is this: work stress has left me sleep deprived, cranky, and more or less devoid of any ability to put the time and effort into AoU that it deserves. Now, don't panic. This isin't the end. It's just that looking back over the past month or so, I'm always rushing the comic, not doing any proper scripting or planning, and coming up with updates that, to me, come across as half-assed at best. AoU used to be a sort of release for me, and it's increasingly becoming a chore. And it kills me to see that happening.

Long story short - AoU is going on indefinite hiatus, probably only for two or three weeks while I get my life sorted out so I can get back to a Cammi capable of giving you guys an AoU that's worth reading, because I really do feel like I've been cheating you guys.

So here's the deal - if any supremely generous souls want to email me guest comics/art, it would be greatly appreciated, just so everyone's got something new to look at once in awhile. If enough people give me positive feedback on the idea, I'll try to post little sketches and goodies from time to time - but I need to see an interest in it, so get yer butt to the forum, the shoutbox, or good ol' email and let me know. I'll still be around to keep an eye on things, I just won't be producing new comics.

Sorry guys. I know things have been sketchy around here since April or so, and I feel like I'm turning into one of those lazy webcomic folk that irritate me so greatly at times. Thanks to all of you for putting up with my melodramatic crap.


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