The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, July 22, 2006

eh? New Comic?

Well, only kind of. AoU is still on temporary hiatus, but I had to put this up for several reasons:

1) It was one of those rare things that just sort of fell out of my pencil and then had to be made.
2) It saves me buying/emailing cards (Bwahahaha! I'm so darn clever).
3) Working at the library has actually lifted me out of that dark, whiny, emo slump the cafe put me in. At least temporarily.
4) Clowns told me to do it. You don't say no to clowns - not if you value your life.

Anyway, this is my only day off for another week or so, and I plan to waste it to the best of my abilities.

*Edit* - Did some minor updates (Info and Links pages).


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