The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yee haw

Alrighty, first order of business - we got a birthday present! Now let's all tell Amber how much she rocks and send cookies her way. It's also in the Vault with the rest of the fan art for easy finding later, by the way.

Okay, that's out of the way. Project Cut and Paste still seems to be going well, as the gang seems to be transferring relatively nicely onto the computer-box (I guess that shouldn't be surprising, as some people think I already do it everything on me PC). Tweaking will continue. On a slightly related note, I expect to have wallpapers of the gang finished by the end of this week. Most of the real work is done, but the inspiration fairy keeps buggering off on me, and I need the little bastard around to help make everything shiny instead of lame.

Now if anyone needs me for the next few days, I'll be building a little fort in which to hide from real life when they hand me a degree and boot me off campus in a few weeks.


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