The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I really, really wish I could say that didn't happen in real life...

But I can't. Well, okay, the eraser incident didn't go down exactly like that. But it was close. Now, for those of you who have never been near a kneadble eraser, it does look surprisingly like a grey lump of sticky tack, but more rubbery and less sticky. Well... usually. I now have a strange light-grey hybrid that can be used to erase screw-ups and hold posters on the wall. It is truly an amazing substance. I would have never guessed the two would blend so well. Live and learn. Live with Brodie, and learn far more than you ever wanted to... about pretty much everything. I have to admit, it was pretty funny, after my initial "You did what?" reaction. It ws even funnier when I realized the new substance maintained both its old properties.

Anyway. I'm scrambling madly to think of what the hell I'm going to do for AoU's first birthday on Saturday. And I have to get it done well before 8 on Friday. Hoo boy. Anyway, I expect hordes of delivery boys at the door bearing birthday presents and large sacks of cash. Okay, I don't really expect it. In reality, I can probably only expect the usual post-St. Patty's hangover that day. And that, my friends, is a lousy present.

Right-o. I've got work to do if I expect to have anything posted for Saturday, so I'd best to go get started. Or procrastinate by playing games until 3 am and stumble off to bed. Either way.


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