Ooh... computer-generated AoU! If all goes well, I may be able to set myself up with the ability to generate a comic in less than half an hour. Woot. I'm still tinkering with the body designs, but I think the heads are good to go. I may go back to hand-drawing if this goes south, but I'm going to experiment with it a little.
As you're probably aware, my humour muse decided not to show up today, resulting in a kind of blah comic. I'd dock her pay, but then she'd never show up.
And there goes my coherence. Time to drag my sleep-deprived arse to bed.
As you're probably aware, my humour muse decided not to show up today, resulting in a kind of blah comic. I'd dock her pay, but then she'd never show up.
And there goes my coherence. Time to drag my sleep-deprived arse to bed.
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