The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Welly, I just got the final numbers for hits and whatnot in October. With nearly 14,000 hits all month, we more than doubled the old record. Jeebus. Does this mean that there are more than 10 of you out there reading this thing? Aw nuts. I guess I'd best to get good. Still not totally up to our world domination goal, but I'll take what I can get. Just... wow. Thank you all so much for reading.

Aside from AoU'd apparent popularity boom, at least part of which I'm willing to give credit to my Promo lady for (thank you Amber! *cookie*), I'm short on news. Again. I'm hoping to update the links and archive pages this weekend. I've got some comics that deserve to be up there, as I waste ever so much time reading them instead of working on essays and getting work done for my own damn comic.

A few comments on today's comic. Tasha, my friend, I had to do an epic fish battle. I have a mackerel and a walleye in the freezer for when you journey back to the praries. Get ready. As for the rest, you bet your ass I'm making fun of comics that have much better art than mine. The dramatic eyes were really much better in pencil, though. I was actually kind of proud of them in the sketches. Foiled by own inability to color things pretty-like on the computer-box. Blast!

That's enough for one night. I'm off to enjoy my evil doughnuts. Or maybe just eat all of Brodie's Halloween candy while he's away. Mwahahaha!


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