The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Yes, I rock!

Got the comic in with 5 minutes to spare before the auto-update time tonight. I was technically early. Hoory for me! Further reason to celebrate: I finally got off my arse and updated the Archive page (how did I manage to forget about it since mid-September? Yoiks.) and I made a page explaining the prospective shirt deal. The clicky link is under the comic. I even took 2 minutes to make a button.

Other news... other news... we're creeping slowly up on 100 comics. I think we'll hit the mark before Christmas. And our hits this month have been through the roof. I think more people are actually starting to read this thing. (I can't imagine why. Surely there are better comics to waste one's time on. Not that I'm complaining, of course.) So I'd like to take a second to thank everyone out there who's linked to AoU. Most notably my promotion whore, Amber, but also others. Angel and Brady have been pulling in hits (Good minions! *pat pat*) . And AoU is on someone's link page. I have no idea who. But to fuzzle @ Angelfire and everyone else, thanks. Remind me I owe you all cookies.

Ok, I've rambled on enough, and my head is starting to hurt from staring at this infernal monitor. This requires an infusion of Irish coffee.

I mean regular coffee. Good old, plain, regular coffee.


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