The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Applause, please!

How about a hand for our official Shameless Promotion Officer, Amber. She's been doing a great job of conning- er... attracting people to the site, even at the risk of being mobbed for false advertising in certain circles. I say she's earned at least 3 cookies.

I'm looking into the possibility of getting a bulk order of shirts to save everyone who wants one a little cash. Of course, those that live in my area won't necessarily have to pay for extra shipping, saving even more. Here's the deal: the more I order, the more everyone saves. But: it's a pretty heavy investment on my part, I'd want to be sure there're enough interested folks before I dish out outrageous amounts of moolah. If you're interested, send me an email. Be sure to tell me what style you'd like (ringer tee, regular tee, or babydoll), color preference (white is cheapest), and size. I need this stuff to get a decent estimate of the cost.

That about does it for today. I'm going to go build a little fort to protect me from the wrath of the goth readers, who may or may not be out for my blood after today's comic.


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