The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Monday, July 18, 2005

Never thought I'd say this...

But thank god the weekend's over. Not good times. Well, I went to the preview of Bomb-itty of Erros, which was fuggin' hilarious (seriously, go!). And it was pretty good times at Bud's Friday night. I guess it wasn't all bad.

But any weekend that involves wasp-bites, allergic reactions, and drunken arseholes who like to push around girls is not a fun one in my books. Gah. I hate wasps. Why did he have to go for the face (the eye, nonetheless)? It's still swollen, but at least I don't look like I got in a fight anymore. I nearly had to Saturday night. I thought I was doing rather well not to get involved. I left the party pretty quickly once the arsehole started shoving everyone around and threatening to hit girls. Wanker.

I'm low on any really interesting stories though (at least ones I care to go into further detail of... one's just painful and the other gets me mad again just thinking about it) so it's time for the Cammi to take off and... do whatever it is I do.


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