The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Ha! Finished!

What a day. I pretty much set up camp in front of the computer all day. But on the plus side, all the pages here are prettied up some, the Vault has been cleaned up, I've made some changes to the Archives page to make it easier to find what you're looking for, changed the Links page, made a spiffy new title graphic for all the pages, made a link banner, got the Promo pic I've been meaning to do done, and I managed to get today's comic done only half an hour later than usual. I think that's it. Oh, I finally realized how to get Flash stuff to appear on a regular comic page, so the Grad Special is now located on... May 29th, I believe. But there's a link in the dropdown, so you don't have to dig for it. And I finished a tenative shirt design.

I'm officially exhausted. But it's all worth it. Know why? As of Friday morning, we'd reached 10,500 hits! *happy dance* I can't believe it. You guys fuggin' rock. Cookies for all! Nice to know I'm not just doing this for my own amusement.

But now the Cammi must go collapse. Here's a little something in the way of celebration:


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