The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Crazy promises

I'd love to say I have some news of interest for the last few days, but I really don't. Scott informs me that his Summer Stock play is called Bomb-edy of Errors (or possibly Bomb-itty of Erros, I'm just guessing here). So there you go. Comedy of Errors and Bomb-edy of Errors. Go.

Ok... onto the crazy promises. Friday is hereby designated AoU work day for the Cammi. I'm going to see about spiffing up the Archive page, adding to the Vault, hopefully getting a banner I like going, and doing a promo pic to head off and pimp the comic in the Keenspace forums (or ComicGenesis... or Webcomicspace... whatever the hell we're going to end up calling ourselves). Oh, and Saturday's comic. Can't forget that. Saturday will then be spent regaining my sanity.

As I've got nothing interesting to say, I think I'd best to go. As we've all learned about Brodie's philosphical influences in today's comic, I'll leave you with one of mine:

"Finding bad reasons for what one believes for other bad reasons - that's philosophy."
-Aldous Huxley

Take that, Marx. :)


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