The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, May 21, 2005

How does she do it?

Well. I nearly forgot all about today's comic, until I looked up at the clock at midnight and went, "Hey... it's Friday. Oh bugger - the comic!" So, nice, short, one-panel one today, slightly late for those who check in the middle of the night. I contemplated putting up one Brodie and I did together ages ago, but I'm not happy with how my half of it looks. I'll probably use it during a more dire emergency.

In other news, we've reached nearly 7000 hits now. In 2 months... and we've really only been running regularly for about a month and a half. The Cammi is most definitely pleased. And we've already passed our mark for hits in all of April by quite a bit. I honestly thought we'd have like 5 regular readers. Not that I'm complaining, actually, I'm practically bursting into flames of joy.

But at any rate, I have to get back to not getting my reading done for Monday's class. God, I am so the queen of procrastination.


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