The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Blame the lack of sleep.

I'm still getting used to the new school schedule, so until my sleep patterns return to normal, my sense of humor might be a little whacked. Actually, I've been contemplating the Star Wars thing for a little while, because everyone and their dog is doing it, and being original is too damn hard. :) And the cookie gag came to me while I was supposed to be reading William Blake last night. If it doesn't make sense, I suggest scanning the Shoutbox to the left. I was at a loss for how to end the first thing, so I crammed them together. Voila. If it sucks, I promise to do better for Saturday's comic when I'll have had some sleep.

In more personal news, I payed dearly for winning a couple boxes of candles at an otherwise "meh" candle party last night. Damn family curse. Anyway, on to the part where I hurt myself: I've been walking to school lately because bus passes now cost either a first-born or your soul. Since I've already pledged my soul to the forces of evil, and I don't have a kid, I'm on foot. I usually walk along the river on my way home, taking weird little paths I find. Now, the path down to the lower paths is rather steep and it was rainy today. The path is dirt. I made it about halfway down and then I was sliding towards the river. I managed to grab a tree branch and stop myself from a nasty river bath and/or certain death. No one needs to touch that water. So now my ass is bruised from the landing, my hands are scratched up, and I'm pretty sure both my left thumb and some muscle in my side are lightly sprained. Someday I'll look back on this and laaaaaaaaugh. It was pretty funny, in retrospect, now that I'm home and not caked in mud and still 20 minutes from home. A mud covered Cammi gets interesting looks, especially emerging from the bushes and limping. Go ahead and laugh. Bastards.

And with that, the Cammi is off.


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