The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, May 07, 2005

And so it continues...

I'm sure that Cam will get tired of tormenting Scott eventually. Really, this is going somewhere... I think.

Anywho... this strip is dedicated to all the mother's out there, 'specially mine who would kill me if I forgot what Sunday is... so Happy Mother's Day!

On a completely unrelated note, I just found out I'm doomed to the 2nd level of hell. Or the 5th if I get just a wee bit more wrathful. Mmm... wrath. Where was I? Right! You can take the test here if you're interested in where you'll be when you die. Good times.

Well then... as I don't seem to have anything clever to say, I'm just gonna go sit on my balcony and taunt passerbys. Best Friday night EVER. Sigh.

"There are a thousand forms of subversion, but few can equal the convenience and immediacy of a cream pie."
-Noel Godin


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