The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I'm sorry guys. The comic's gonna be a bit late. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, thanks to insomnia and my landlord deciding to test the fire alarm in the hallway at (in my humble, night owl opinion) ungodly hours of the morning. This essentially means that anything I try to draw looks like complete and utter crap. So I'm giving up.

And to be completely honest, real life Brodie has a new job, and wanted to celebrate. And he's lacking in people willing to drink in the middle of the week, what with school and all. Normally I'd try to get a comic done anyway, but I doubt alcohol will help my already reduced skills.

I promise I'll have a comic up sometime Thursday. Now I'm off. to see if I can make the "God, I feel like crap" feeling go away.


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