The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New... crap.

Yes. I know. Where's the update? It's only the 3rd, and I've already broken my one resolution not to skip updates. Gah. Sorry. I buggered off a few days and forgot any sort of materials for updating. Got in today with the full intention of getting a late comic up, then remembered I had transcriptions to get done for my editing seminar. Long story short, My hands and wrists are killing me from roughly 5 hours of non-stop typing, and while I probably could draw, it would hurt like hell (much like typing this little update does). So I ain't gonna.

I'll force myself to do a double update Thursday (or get it done earlier Wednesday) to make up for it. In the meantime, er... go bother one another in the forums or something. I'll be too looped on painkillers within the hour to care.


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