The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Celebrations galore

Actually, I don't have much planned for celebrations. But this is indeed comic #100. Is anyone else surprised I haven't run out of ideas/gotten too lazy to continue yet? Guess I should order a metaphorical round for everyone. Except the minors. You all get a cookie.

Oh, nearly forgot. I haven't worked out all the details yet, but watch the forums, as the Cammi is holding a bit of a contest to celebrate. I'll be posting it... Thursday night or sometime Friday. But you have to be a forum denizen to get a shot. So sign up and stay tuned.

Sorry about the green-ness for the last few days. Brodie got ahold of the site and tried to Christmas it up. Fortunately, he was somewhat foiled by forgetting to upload the new button graphics. But everything's back to normal now. God willing, it'll stay that way.

Well, the Cammi is off once again. I apologize for the crappy animation. Someday I may sit down and learn to do it properly. For now, appreciate the fact that I worked bloody hard for this 20 second horror. Happy 100th, everyone, and thanks for reading!


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