The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, November 26, 2005


I am stoked, Mr. S.!

We've officially passed the 50,000 hits mark! And it didn't take 10 years! Not even 10 months. This calls for a celbration. Cookies for all!

As I'm a busy and lazy individual,. I didn't make anything special for the occasion. I know, I suck.

However, the forums are ready and here! Go sign up and chatter away to your heart'c content. I'll be lurking there regularly, and real-life Brodie has promised to help me keep things under control. This means we can finally be rid of the repeating Shoutbox of doom. I'll leave it up for awhile, but it'll be gone when I do a site redesign sometime in December.

Right. I've got celebrations and further essay and portfolio work to get to, so adios for now. And thanks for reading. You all rock.


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