The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Titles are hard.

Yup, we're doing a mail corner now. As I'm sure we're all aware, I reserve the right to edit with impunity for clarity, length, just because I felt like it, etc, etc. This one threw me for a loop. I honestly didn't notice it myself. Subconscious hidden sexuality? just good old fashioned carelessness? I guess we'll never know.

In other news, let's have a round of huzzahs for me finally getting the new character page done. Huzzah! But Leonati and Ron's pictures are screwed up, thanks to the magic of Photodeluxe and my forgetting to install the GIMP. D'oh. I'll try to get it fixed sometime tomorrow.

Personal news... hmm... yup, I've got nothing. Although I did watch Labyrinth for roughly the billionth time last night. It's just an awesome movie. Why? David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly (sp?) , Jim & Brian Henson, Brian Froud, and Terry Jones. And enough really wicked puppets to choke a gorilla, although that should be implied with the Henson involvement. For those of you that don't know Brian Froud's work, do an image search, you'll see many funky goblins, and Terry Jones is, of course, of Monty Python fame. (What? You don't know what that is that either? Heathens!) In any case, it's one of my all time favorites. I'll take Henson's puppets over the new digital stuff any day. They're just fuggin' amazing. Highly reccomended watching.

Now, the Cammi is tired, so she's off again for another night.


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