The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Back to work.

Yep, I'm back again. Miss me? Oh, right... the comics were up, so y'all didn't even notice I was gone! *sob* Ok, I'm better.

Personal news: Alive and kicking after 'Tash's visit. Always a good sign. Been wandering around the Fringe Festival here in 'Toon town. Some interesting stuff on the street and some interesting plays. Scotty and I went to The Secret of All Literature and another one today. I've seen the first before, but on campus with a view of about half the stage. This was much better. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and damn what the local paper had to say about it. It has the Cammi's seal of approval. If you're in town, it's totally worth the 5 bucks. Just for the ending.

Right then. For those of you paying attention, there's a couple big milestones coming up. I'm going to lock myself inside and get some special stuff going for that. But I'll not say another word. You'll see.

Now I must go and get my playlist going before I have to listen to anymore Simple Plan on the radio. Sheesh. Whine, whine, whine.

Edit: Apparently the servers are down. Today's comic is still in line with about 6000 others, waiting patiently to be uploaded. Hopefully everything will be back to normal shortly, but for now it's out of my control. Sorry guys. It should all be up by tonight, unless the servers are really, really screwed.


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