A collection of everything that had no place elsewhere. Click the
thumbnails for the king-sized image.
Fan Stuff
A present from ze much loved Amber for our first birthday. Woot!
From the pencil of our faithful shameless promoter, Amber N, Brodie and
the Badger Dance.
Aw, Official Fan Girl Brady gave me this cute little Brodie of
And Jamie C. offers
a "North Park" Brodie. Damn Canadians with their beady eyes and
flapping heads.
Escapees and Other Nonsense
The first real character sketches, and a trial run at a name. We
were very nearly WDYWD instead of AoU. Funny, that.
The first
storyboard. Complete with authentic coffee stain. Actually the very
first paper copy of anything AoU.
And some Prototype Brodies. Not the best scan in the world, I'm afraid.
The middle one was done by the B-man himself.
Something I
whipped up to use for promotion, then forgot about entirely. Ah well.
Arts and Crafts
Quite possibly the coolest Jack o' lantern EVER.
Ah, the paper mackerel. Made for a visit from Tasha, and used as an
ineffective - though vaguely irritating - weapon many a time that
weekend. Good times.