The Adventures of Us News and Rants

Saturday, April 19, 2008

teh zombehs eated mai brains.

Word on the street is that the Cammi has been super-hyper busy with another project that calls for her art monkey skills. My associate Caryn and I have run screaming from the world of libraries and into the terrifying realm of self-employment. For those of you who don't already know where to look, check out

Yeah, I'm pimping my new project here. I'm a bad person, what can I say? But I thought there might be a slight possibility some of you guys would be interested.

As for AoU and it's future... I don't know. Honestly, I'm spending most of my days immersed in drawing and crafting, so while I'm no longer coming home stressed and exhausted, I don't know how I'll feel about adding another hour or two of art monkey work three times a week. Plus, the burnout feeling hasn't really gone away.

Soooo, to avoid long, wibbly rambles and empty promises, here's my compromise. I don't really want to end AoU just hanging like this, but I don't forsee picking up the pieces and rebuilding, either. Instead, I'm (slowly) working on a final storyline. Hopefully I can wrap everything up to everyone's satisfaction, and make it feel like there was some sort of coherent ending to the whole thing.

I don't even know if anyone will read this. But for those who did, thoughts?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Smacked with the fish of irony.

Almost immediately after posting this week's comic, guess what I went and did? I'll give you a hint: *sizzle* "Mmm! Bacon!" Whee. I'm so sunburned, it actually hurts to walk.

And why am I so sunburned? Cause the Cammi became a step mom over the weekend, and has since spent nearly every day at a nearby paddling pool with the munchkins. And staving off nervous breakdowns.

Incidentally, the guest comic was from Scotty G., who also gave me the idea for this week's strip. Huzzahs and praise for Scott!

...Okay, that's enough. We don't want to over-inflate his ego. Attention back to me now.

Monday, June 18, 2007

And we're back.

Okay, so let's recap. I have the internet back, the comic that was supposed to be up last Monday is now up, a new comic is in the works, and my hair is now pink-ish purple.

Not sure why I felt the need to add that last bit.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oh noes, mah interwebz is broked!

Yeah, sorry kids. Been without for a week, should have it by Friday night.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Sleep now. Rant later.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I are teh suck...

Okay, I'm not even going to bore you with excuses. AoU just seems to be getting put aside while I try to balance everything else in my life. That and... well...

AoU started at a very different time in my life. I still love it dearly, but it's honestly getting harder and harder to put something decent together. The old gang that inspired the whole deal just doesn't gather all that often anymore - which (surprise, surprise) means that sometimes I'm a little short on inspiration. Just a rather unfortunate side effect of doing a comic based on you and your friends, kids. I guess what I'm trying to say is that all things considered, the Cammi is starting to burn out where AoU is concerned.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not announcing the end. And I know that this sucks coming from an unannounced hiatus, but I think I may need to take a formal one and recharge. So here's what my plan is. Rather than just fug off on y'all, I have 3 backup comics storyboarded, and I can hopefully cobble together a couple more so that I can just set the site to automatic for a month, you guys get a weekly comic (which is less than I really owe you, I know), and I can take the time off guilt-free while I recharge the AoU batteries. In exchange, I'll do my damnedest to come back with a site-revamp for you guys.

So, what do y'all think? Sound good? Bad? Or do we only have 5 regular fans who give much of a crap one way or the other? Some feedback would be very, very appreciated, so if you have an opinion, send it on over to

Sorry, spambots --->

Friday, April 06, 2007


I am so very, very sorry guys. The last couple of weeks have been rather craptacular for getting any comicness done. Between work, moving, and a nagging shoulder injury from a combination of the same, I'm suffering from a low grade sort of burnout creativity-wise. On the plus side (for you, anyway - I'm kind of meh about the prospect) I may actaully have to take some time off work in the near future and get physiotherapy for this stupid bloody shoulder. Translation: While my roomie and lover are off at work and school, respectively, I'll no doubt be bored and have nothing better to do with myself than catch up on AoU and the ten billion other arty projects I'm disgustingly behind on.

Moving on. I've got piles of photoshopping to do today to help my lass with an assignment, so 2 quick thoughts and I'm outta here.

1) I don't know why I take such a perverse pleasure in crushing Scott. I really don't.

2) Oooh, "structural integrity". For some reason, I just know I'm going to get at least one email/comment asking for definitions of the big words. Prove me wrong, and just Google it if you don't know. Pretty please? With cherries on top?

Mmm... cherries.